NWGA Communications
 January 26, 2024
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The National Wool Growers’ Association of South Africa, one of the oldest commodity organisations in the country, is privileged to announce the appointment of Mr Dan Kriek as the new General Manager, effective from 1 May 2024.

Mr Kriek is the former president of Agri SA, was previously a member of the Land Reform Advisory Panel to President Ramaphosa and is also a member of Council of the University of Free State.


The NWGA represents wool sheep producers in South Africa. Sustainable production practices are one of the main objectives of the organisation, with a strong focus on animal welfare, the environment and social responsibilities in support of improved market access for producers based on international requirements.


The current General Manager of the NWGA, Mr Leon de Beer, will retire at the end of April 2024, after twenty years of service since joining the organisation in September 2003. 


Mr De Beer said that he is proud to see an experienced and knowledgeable person like Mr Kriek take over his role and responsibilities in the NWGA. 


During his tenure, Mr De Beer has been invaluable to the NWGA.  The management team sincerely thanks him for sharing his knowledge of agriculture, for his loyal commitment and service to the NWGA and wishes him well on his retirement.


Mr Kriek’s reaction to his appointment is one of a profound sense of fulfilment, particularly because Small Stock Science was his primary focus as postgraduate agricultural student many years ago.  “This appointment affords me the privilege to come full circle with my career in agriculture by returning to my roots,” says Kriek. “The opportunity to work with South African wool producers is a notable privilege.  I look forward to collaborating with all stakeholders, including Government, to fortify unity and actualise the aspirations for greater prosperity for wool producers.”


Kriek says wool producers have an indispensable role in the narrative of increased export earnings within the South African economy, and the distinctive sustainability status of the South African wool industry distinguishes it from its counterparts.


“Globally, South African wool producers stand as foremost suppliers of sustainably certified wool,” says Kriek. “In a world where consumers increasingly emphasise social responsibility and environmental awareness, it is imperative that we fortify this competitive advantage in the wool industry. Unity prevails within the industry, where commercial and communal wool producers coalesce into a formidable team. Although the communal areas of the Eastern Cape are widely acknowledged as the new economic growth frontier for South Africa, realising this potential necessitates a collaborative effort from all stakeholders involved.  Infrastructure development and the introduction and integration of technology can profoundly enhance the socio-economic status of communal wool producers and their communities.”


The NWGA is confident that Mr Kriek brings a wealth of experience to the table and will lead the NWGA and the South African wool producer into a new era.

Issued by:       NWGA Communications
Further enquiries:        Billy van Zyl, Chairperson, NWGA
082 378 0268 /

Die Nasionale Wolkwekersvereniging (NWKV), een van die land se oudste kommoditeitsorganisasies, is bevoorreg om die aanstelling van Mnr Dan Kriek as nuwe Hoofbestuurder aan te kondig, effektief vanaf 1 Mei 2024.

Mnr Kriek is die voormalige president van Agri SA, het op president Cyril Ramaphosa se Grondhervormingspaneel gedien, en dien steeds op die Raad van die Universiteit van die Vrystaat.


Die NWKV verteenwoordig wolboere in Suid-Afrika. Volhoubare produksiepraktyke is een van die organisasie se hoofdoelwitte, met ‘n sterk fokus op dierewelsyn, omgewingskwessies en sosiale verantwoordelikhede ter ondersteuning van beter marktoegang vir produsente wat strook met internasionale vereistes.


Die uittredende Hoofbestuurder, Mnr Leon de Beer, tree einde April af, ná 20 jaar se diens. Hy het in September 2003 by die NWKV aangesluit.


Mnr De Beer sê hy is trots daarop dat ’n ervare persoon soos Mnr Kriek sy rol in die organisasie gaan oorneem.


Tydens sy lang en suskesvolle loopbaan was Mnr De Beer van onskatbare waarde vir die NWKV en die organisasie se bestuur bedank hom opreg dat hy sy landboukennis mildelik gedeel het, asook vir sy toewyding en lojaliteit. Die bestuur wens hom ‘n vreedsame en voorspoedige aftrede toe.

In reaksie op sy aanstelling sê Mnr Kriek hy is bevoorreg om na sy wortels terug te keer, omdat hy as nagraadse landboustudent in Kleinveekunde gespesialiseer het. “Die geleentheid om met Suid-Afrikaanse wolprodusente te werk is ‘n groot voorreg,” sê Kriek. “Ek sien uit daarna om met alle rolspelers, die regering inkluis, saam te werk om groter voorspoed vir alle wolboere te verseker.”


“Wolprodusente vervul ’n groot rol in die suksesverhaal van verhoogde uitvoerverdienste vir die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie.  Die Suid-Afrikaanse wolbedryf se volhoubaarheidsstatus maak die bedryf uniek.  Suid-Afrikaanse wolboere is die grootste verskaffers van volhoubaar- gesertifiseerde wol in die wêreld, en is uitstekend geposisioneer in ‘n verbruikerswêreld wat op sosiale verantwoordelikheid en omgewingsbewustheid fokus.  Hierdie kompeterende voordeel moet verder uitgebou en versterk word”.

Kriek sê ook dat daar eenheid in die bedryf is, en saam vorm kommersiële en kommunale wolboere ’n gedugte span.  “Die groeipotensiaal van die kommunale gebiede in die Oos-Kaap word lank reeds raakgesien, maar die verwesenliking daarvan gaan ’n spanpoging van alle rolspelers verg,” sê hy.  “Die skep van infrastruktuur en die gebruik van tegnologie kan ’n sosio-ekonomiese omwenteling in die lewens van kommunale wolboere en landelike gemeenskappe teweegbring.”


Die NWKV is vol vertroue dat mnr Kriek, met sy omvattende ondervinding, die organisasie en alle Suid-Afrikaanse wolprodusente suksesvol in ‘n nuwe era sal lei.
Uitgereik deur:            NWKV Kommunikasie
Verdere navrae:          Billy van Zyl, Voorsitter, NWKV
082 378 0268 /

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