theme: "back to the future"
The annual congress of the National Woolgrowers’ Association took place on 1 & 2 June 2022 in Port Elizabeth. With the theme "Back to the Future" in mind, future predictions were scrutinised and revelations made 10 years ago with regards to the National Development Plan, were tested. This specifically relates to the presentation of the guest speaker, Prof. Johann Kirsten of the Bureau for Economic Research at the University of Stellenbosch who was the speaker 10 years ago when the 2030 National Develoment Plan was revealed. Click here to view Prof Kirsten presentation Vision 2030: NDP - Targets vs. Reality. Click here to view recording of the congress.
Farm Management Analysis
Sunette Botha du Toit presented their experience of the NWGA Farm Management Analysis through the Burgersdorp Studygroup. Click here to view recording at the Congress.
International Markets and Sustainable Certification
Giovanni Schneider of the Schneider Groep - click here for prerecorded presentation on the 2022 market outlook and the opportunities and threats in the wool business.
Co-operation between countries within internationally recognized standards
Dr. Paul Swan from Australian Wool Exchange on the SustainaWOOL Integrity Scheme. Click here to view the presentation.
Sustainable standards for the Communal sector & transformation tracking
Deon Saayman, Cape Wools SA - click here for presentation Click here to view recording at the Congress.
Drought and drought adaptations in the Karoo, 2012 - 2019
Prof. Beatrice Conradie, University of Cape Town on the impact of drought on the productivity of wool production in the Karoo. Click here for presentation. Click here to view recording at Congress.
Lees Tisha Steyn se artikel in Pro Agri "Droogte: Hoe pas boere aan"
Wool market post-Covid
Isak Staats on behalf of the Brokers' Association - click here for presentation Click here to view recording at Congress.
Wool Buyers' perspective post-Covid
Clarence Friskin on behalf of the South African Wool and Mohair Buyers' Association (SAWAMBA) - click here to view recording at Congress.
annual reports (July 2021 - June 2022)
Mr. Billy van Zyl - Annual report for policy and strategy - click here for report
Leon de Beer - Operational report - click here for report
The Golden Ram award, highest accolade for exceptional service to the Wool Industry was bestowed on Mr. Guillau du Toit.
Mr. Du Toit was recognized for serving on provincial and national structures of the NWGA for 32 years, attending his first congress in 1989, whereafter he stepped down as national chairman in 2021, after serving in this position for 6 years. He was chairman of the predation forum and also represented the wool industry on an international level as chairman of the Grower Grouping at the International Wool Textile Organisation (IWTO).
Billy van Zyl honoured Guillau for his sincere humanity towards everyone whose path he crossed and the amazing example he projected as a leader and in his faith. Du Toit was categorised as an exemplary farmer who adapted creatively in times of adversity.
Congratulations Guillau from all the South African woolgrowers - you make us proud !

Mr. Clarence Frisken from the South African Wool and Mohair Buyers' Association (SAWAMBA) presented a virtual award to DJ Louw, Perdeberg Boerdery, Trompsburg for receiving the highest price for wool during the past season. They delivered 2 bales of BFFY, 15,3 micron, 67 top length, clean yield of 75% and Standard Wool paid R284/kg for greasy wool, converted to clean price of R378/kg.
Mnr HB van der Walt, Burgersdorp het die toekenning ontvang vir besondere diens aan die wolbedryf. Hy het in 2012 betrokke geraak by die Ooskaap NWKV as streeksverteenwoordiger, en baie vinnig die leer van leierskap geklim toe hy van 2016 - 2021 as voorsitter van Ooskaap NWKV gedien het. Hy is in 2021 verkies tot nasionale vise voorsitter van die NWKV. Hy bestuur die Konstitusionele Komitee van die NWKV sowel as Nasionale Lidmaatskapprojek wat fokus om ledegeld vir die organisasie te genereer.
Baie geluk HB met hierdie besondere prestasie wat jou te beurt geval het.

Mnr Gawie van Wyk, gebore en getoë Noordkapenaar en bekend en geliefd onder wolboere van Suid Afrika, het die Silwer Ram toekenning ontvang vir uitsonderlike diens aan die wolbedryf. Pieter le Roux, voorsitter Noordkaap NWKV het die toekenning namens Gawie ontvang en sal dit op 'n toepaslike tyd aan hom oorhandig.
In 1997 word Gawie as Wolraadvoorligter oorgeplaas na die NWKV en is hy werksaam as produksie produksie adviseur tot November 2019 toe hy aftree. Gedurende sy loopbaan in die wolbedryf het Gawie verskeie sertifikate en toekennings verwerf, onder andere Gekwalifiseerde Assesor en Mentor, Projekbeplanning, Meriete- en Langdienssertifikate van die NWKV. Hy is ook vereer met Ere-toekennings deur Merino SA en Grootfontein Landboukollege Oudstudente Vereniging.
Baie geluk Gawie met hierdie besondere toekenning en vir baie jare se goeie dienslewering aan die wolbedryf.

bennie van der merwe floating trophy
Congratulations to Trompsburg for winning the Bennie van der Merwe floating trophy for the best economic study group in South Africa - a resounding 5th time since 2017.
This competition encourages and rewards farming groups who actively participate in the NWGA's production advisory and farm management analysis services.

Mr. Andries Wiese from Hollard virtually presented the three finalists and announced the winners for the Best Economically Classed Clips for 2022:
- Winner: Sias Reynolds, Kamferskraal Boerdery, Beaufort West
- 1st runner up: Darren Flanegan, Narrow Slip Trust, Stutterheim
- 2nd runner up: Andre de Jager, De Jager Boerdery Trust, Swartklip, Riversdal
Cape Wools SA has developed a comprehensive evaluation system to identify producers who offer their clip with pride and care. This competition aims to recognise farmers who contribute to better clip preparation, establish a clip free from contamination, and offer to buyers according to the NWGA class standards and correct management practices. Each clip sold at auctions is evaluated according to objective characteristics that includes style, micron and length variation, staple length and bale weight.
General Manager, Leon de Beer handed over certificate to Darren Flanegan at NWGA Head Office. Awaiting images of handing over ceremonies for the winner and 2nd runner up.
The NWGA / Zoetis Prestige Awards honours regional wool sheds for achieving outstanding results in developing their sheep projects for an increased wool income and further elects an overall winner as the Best Communal Shearing Shed.
Congratulations to the regional winners for Best Communal Shearing Sheds:
Region 25 and overall winner: Upper Tele Woolgrowers, Sterkspruit
Region 20: Lumanyano Woolgrowers, Tsolo
Region 21: Haytor Woolgrowers, Whittlesea (2021 overall winner)
Region 23: Zingquthu Woolgrowers, Queenstown
Region 24: Luzie Woolgrowers, Mount Fletcher
During the 2022 National Congress, NWGA public relations officer, Bonita Francis met with the overall winner of the 2022 shearing shed who performed the best and achieved outstanding results in developing their sheep project for increased wool income.
Upper Tele shearing shed, situated in the mountainous region of Sterkspruit in the Eastern Cape was a regional as well as overall winner in the NWGA / Zoetis Prestige awards competition. The other 4 regional winners were Lumanyano WGA in Tsolo, Haytor WGA in Whittlesea, Zingquthu WGA in Queenstown, and Luzie WGA in Mount Fletcher.
Upper Tele’s chairman, Mr. Mncedisi Mdandalaza was present to receive the awards and NWGA production advisor Asandile Rasmeni was at his side to assist with the interview.
What can be done to expand and develop Upper Tele shearing shed?
Taking the mountainous surrounding and limited grazing capacity into account, this is not easy farmland for approximately 5 000 sheep. The 65 members of the shearing shed work in unity and respect and obey one another, especially the leadership. They show great commitment to their sheep farming, as this is their only source of income.
What are the hinderances for development?
Although Upper Tele have their own shearing shed, received from DRDAR in 2004, and the wool from their young sheep are doing well, there is a great need for good genetic rams to improve the quality of their flocks and wool. Currently, Upper Tele have 90 rams, but it is the vision of the chairman to have 400 rams. They are struggling with animal diseases and have lost some lambs to jackal.
The shearing shed is strengthened by the assistance of NWGA production advisor Asandile Rasmeni who provides wool sorting training during the shearing process, after shearing follow up visits as well as providing advice on ram and ewe purchases. Information days proves very valuable to the members as well as farmers from the surrounding areas.
What is Upper Tele doing different to other shearing sheds?
From the 80 bales which were marketed, no bin bales were recorded, with an average clean yield of 62% and 3 bales of AH type wool that were sold at R172/kg. The shed was established in 2001 with 40 members and 3 200 sheep and the chairman proudly proclaims that the number have increased to 65 members and over 5 000 sheep. “The commitment from members and the quality of their sheep”, is the contributing factors to Upper Telle’s success. According to Rasmeni, 8 bales were reopened to search for bale hooks that were possibly left behind in the bale.
Message from the Chairman as encouragement to other shearing sheds
“Members need to work together, creating an environment of commitment and respect and be eager to learn. Use your production advisor and seek their advice”, said Mr. Mdandalaza.
Did they enjoy the 92nd annual congress of the NWGA ?
Although the language barrier hindered some of the discussions, it was most enjoyable, with many bits of information taken back to the community.
PHOTO : Asandile Rasmeni (left) and chairman Mncedisi Mdandalaza (right)

The National Woolgrowers' of SA (NWGA) would like to thank the following companies for their involvement and generous sponsorships at the National Congress:
* BKB - hosting National Management and Cocktail functions
* Zoetis - Communal Shearing Shed Awards
* Nedbank - translation services
* Agility Agri - congress costs
* Wool Testing Bureau (WTB) - hosting National Management lunch
* HOLLARD - Best Economic Class Clip Awards
* Chemunique - congress costs
* Western National - congress costs
* ABSA - congress costs
* OVK - congress costs