2021 national congress
theme : designing the future
The annual congress of the National Woolgrowers’ Association took place on 2 & 3 June 2021 in Port Elizabeth. The five sessions provided a glimpse into the future, addressing issues in the emerging sector, introducing Futures Biosecurity, sought to find the economic realities for the wool value chain in post Covid conditions and focussed on Production. A closed session for members only also featured. Click here to read the minutes of the Congress.
Session 1 – “Glimpse into the Future
The session kicked off with operational, policy and strategic reports by General Manager Leon de Beer and National Chairman Guillau du Toit.
Dr. Louis du Pisani evaluated the challenges of climate change as a doom and gloom scenario. Click here to view the presentation.
Session 2 – Emerging Sector and Futures Biosecurity
This session honoured communal regional wool sheds for achieving outstanding results in developing their sheep projects for increased wool income.
Deon Saayman, Cape Wools SA - Implementing the Cape Wools Sustainable Standards in Communal Areas. Click here to view presentation.
Dr. George de Kock, Veterinarian, IWTO Working Group Biosecurity - Introduction into the futures for Biosecurity - Click here to view presentation.
Session 4 – the economic realities for the wool value chain – post COVID
During this session, the views of Brokers, Buyers’, Processors, and retailers were presented as well as the role of the International Wool Textile Organisation (IWTO).
Isak Staats, BKB - the view of the Brokers - Click here to view presentation.
Paul Lynch, South Africa Wool & Mohair Buyers Association (SAWAMBA) - the view of the Buyers - Click here to view presentation.
Giovanni Schneider, Schneider Group - the view of the Processors and Retailers - Click here to view presentation.
Wolf Edmayr, President of the International Wool Textile Organisation (IWTO) - the role of IWTO. Click here to view presentation.
Session 5 – Focus on Production
This session focussed on the increasing demand on farmers and their production practices to reassure consumers about the sustainability of the wool industry.
Deon Saayman, Cape Wools SA - Sustainable Cape Wools Standard (SCWS) within the framework of International standards - Click here to view presentation.
Clarence Friskin, SA Wool and Mohair Buyers Association (SAWAMBA) - The demand for wool without a standard - click here to view presentation.
Guillau du Toit, NWGA - Fears from producers regarding standards - click here to view presentation.
Mr. Dave Maslen from the New Zealand Merino Company virtually welcomed the 3 finalists and announced the winners :
Winner - AC Kruger, Frankfort
1st runner up - Sonop Trust, Smithfield
2nd runner up - Weltevreden Merinos, De Aar
Cape Wools SA has developed a comprehensive evaluation system to identify producers who offer their clip with pride and care. The competition for the Best Economically Classed Clip aims to recognise farmers who contributes to better clip preparation, establishing a clip free from contamination and offered to buyers according to the NWGA class standards and correct management practices.
Each clip sold at auctions are evaluated according to objective characteristics which include style, micron- and length variation, staple length and bale weight.
Picture - Dave Maslen and 2nd runner up Mr. Pieter du Toit from Weltevreden Merinos, De Aar

The Golden Ram award, highest accolade for exceptional service to the Wool Industry was bestowed on Dr. George de Kock.
Dr. George de Kock, Caledon was recognized for serving on NWGA provincial and national structures since 1996 and on the Board of Cape Wools SA for the past 13 years. Because of his veterinary background, he has made significant contributions towards Biosecurity and currently serves as chairman of the Biosecurity Working Group of the International Wool Textile Organisation (IWTO). He played a leading role in the solution of the Foot and Mouth (F&MD) outbreak in 2019 through his involvement in negotiations with the OIE and other roleplayers.

Congratulations to Trompsburg for winning the Bennie van Der Merwe Floating Trophy for the best economic study group in South Africa ! They were also the recipients in 2017 and 2018, with their "rival", Burgersdorp, keeping it close to their chests during the past 2 years.
The growth and performance of the various economic study groups form the basis for awarding this prestigious award. The competition has previously focused on planning committees who did the most to promote profitable wool sheep farming. The format has since changed to encourage and reward those farming groups who actively participate in the NWGA's production advice and farm management analysis services.

Dr. Louis du Pisani received this award for outstanding service to the National Woolgrowers’ Association.
Amidst an uncertain future and unknown territory due to the dissolvement of marketing boards, termination of statutory levies and wool prices at an all-time low, Dr. Louis George du Pisani joined the ranks of the NWGA Advisory Services in 1997. During 2005 he ventured into other pastures and established a one-stop service for farmers where economy and practice aligned. In August 2013,he was appointed Manager Production Advisory Services at the NWGA and served the Association with distinction, making enormous contributions to the success of the Service.

Mr. Paul Lynch from the SA Wool & Mohair Buyers Association (SAWAMBA) presented a virtual award to Mr. Gerald Gevers, Zuurbron Boerdery (Pty) Ltd in the Luneburg district. Through this award, Wool Buyers recognise the producer who receives the highest price for the past season and felt privilidged to buy wool of such outstanding quality, thereby recognising the demand for finer end wool. Zuurbron produced a 15.6 micron Merino lamb wool and was paid R240/kg.

The NWGA / Zoetis Prestige Awards honours regional wool sheds for achieving outstanding results in developing their sheep projects for an increased wool income and elects an overall winner as the Best Communal Shearing Shed.
Congratulations to the regional winners for Best Communal Shearing Sheds
Reg. 20 - Old Idutywa Shearing Shed
Reg. 21 and overall winner - Haytor Woolgrowers' Association
Reg. 23 - Lower Lufuta Shearing Shed
Reg. 24 - Lower Thokoana Shearing Shed
Reg. 25 - Blikana No. 2 Shearing Shed
Haytor shearing shed under the leadership of Mr. Zamukwakha Ndara was formed in 1980 with 96 members producing 26 bales. They have since doubled their clip to 55 bales and are diligent and disicplined by following annual management and dosing programmes with the assistance of NWGA production advisors and Zoetis field agent Mr. K Moshoeshoe. Ram lambs are castrated, and they only use rams bought from registered breeders. Proper classing of wool during shearing are prioritized and wool contamination are avoided at all costs.